Enter the value in Megabyte and the tool will provide the Gigabit equivalent
- Megabyte is written as Mbyte or sometimes MB
- Gigabit is written as Gbit or Gb
Note the small ‘b’ denotes bit while uppercase ‘B’ stands for byte.
How many Gigabits in a Megabyte?
- 1 Mbyte = 8 Mbit
- 8 Mbit = 0.008 Gbit
- 1 Mbyte = 0.008 Gbit
- 1 MB = 0.008 Gb
The unit Gigabit is used in communication networks. Gigabit Ethernet for instance is networking technology that transmits 1 Gigabit or 1000,000,000 bits per second.
Megabyte is a unit that’s used for data storage. For instance a 64 MB flash memory card shown below
Use this tool to find the time to transfer 64 MB of data over a Gigabit Ethernet connection.
Related Calculators
- Megabyte to Byte
- Megabyte to Kilobyte
- Megabyte to Gigabyte
- Megabyte to Bit
- Megabyte to Kilobit
- Megabyte to Megabit
A single page view of all the above Megabyte conversions.
Megabyte to Gigabit Table