S11 to VSWR Calculator
This tool calculates the VSWR from S-parameter measurements. Enter S11 also known as the input reflection coefficient. Use either a VSWR to S11 Formula S11 (dB) = 20*Log10(S11) VSWR = …
This tool calculates the VSWR from S-parameter measurements. Enter S11 also known as the input reflection coefficient. Use either a VSWR to S11 Formula S11 (dB) = 20*Log10(S11) VSWR = …
This tool uses the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) to calculate the Return Loss (RL) in dB. ? Return Loss to VSWR Formula Return Loss (dB) = -20*Log10((VSWR – 1)/(VSWR …
Return Loss is a measure of the amount of energy that is reflected back at a discontinuity in a Radio Frequency Circuit [1]. It is specified in dB. This calculator …
This tool converts Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR to Reflection Coefficient (sometimes referred to as Gamma) Γ. Reflection Coefficient Γ to VSWR Formula Γ = (VSWR – 1)/(VSWR + …
This tool converts Reflection Coefficient (sometimes referred to as Gamma) Γ to Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR. VSWR to Reflection Coefficient Γ Formula VSWR = (1+|Γ|)/(1-|Γ|) the absolute value …
This tool uses the impedance of the source and load to calculate the Reflection Coefficient (Γ) and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) Formula Source Impedance = Z0 Complex Load Impedance …
This tool uses the impedance of the source and load to calculate the impedance mismatch. It also calculates Formula Source Impedance = Z0 Complex Load Impedance = R + j*X …
This tool converts RF Transmitter Output Power in Watt to Antenna gain in dBi. Enter the following: The tool will calculate the Antenna Gain in dBi required to hit this …
Use this calculator to find the max output power of a transmitter in Watt from the antenna gain in dBi. For this calculation, Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) is also …
This calculator converts from dBuV (dB microvolt) to dBm (dB milliwatt). The default impedance is 50 ohm although you can change it to any value. ? dBm to dBuV Formula …