This is a question that comes up often and the answer is: It really depends on the quality of the images. This is the reason we built an easy to use calculator.
- Size of the storage medium. The default value is 1 Terabyte although any value can be entered
- File size (in kB, MB or GB) of pictures and videos
The size of a photo depends on the image size in pixels and image quality. The picture below from Canon shows how image size varies.

The highest quality image has a size of 37.8 MB. In this case, using the calculator 26,455 pictures can be stored on a 1 TB drive.
1 Terabyte = 1*1012 Bytes = 8*1012 Bits
Related Calculators
- File transfer speed – use this tool to calculate how long it will take to transfer any amount of data (kB/MB/GB/TB)
- USB transfer – calculate the time taken to transfer files from your camera to laptop or laptop to hard drive over a USB interface
- How many hours of video can one terabyte store?