dBm/Hz to dBm/MHz Calculator

Use this calculator to convert peak amplitude measured in one resolution bandwidth to another. Background The resolution bandwidth (RBW) setting is an important consideration when making spectrum analyzer measurements. Typically …

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dBm/Hz to nV/SQRT Hz Calculator

This tool converts dBm per Hz to nV per root(Hz) or nV/√(Hz). 🔁 nV/√(Hz) to dBm/Hz Formula The formula below shows how dBm/Hz can be converted to noise with units …

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Horn Antenna Gain Calculator

The gain of a Horn antenna depends on its frequency of operation, aperture and its efficiency. Formula Gain = (4π A eA)/λ2 where The Gain of the Horn Antenna is …

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Antenna Gain Calculator

This tool computes the Antenna Gain using: 🔁 Antenna Gain to Factor Antenna Gain Formula Gain (dBi) = 20*Log10(9.73/(λ*(10)AF/20)) Where Definitions Antenna Factor It is the ratio of the electric …

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Antenna Efficiency Calculator

The total efficiency of an antenna is the ratio of the power radiated from the antenna to the power provided to the antenna at the connector. The calculator below uses …

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TV Antenna Range Calculator

This tool computes the reception range of TV signals. Input Formula d = 4.12 * √h The tool uses the Radio Horizon to find the range of the TV antenna. …

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