Noise Temperature to Noise Figure Calculator
This tool converts Noise Temperature to Noise Figure. Enter along with appropriate units – Celsius or Kelvin. ? Noise Figure to Noise Temperature Formula Noise Figure (dB) = 10*Log10(TNoise/TRef + …
This tool converts Noise Temperature to Noise Figure. Enter along with appropriate units – Celsius or Kelvin. ? Noise Figure to Noise Temperature Formula Noise Figure (dB) = 10*Log10(TNoise/TRef + …
Use this calculator to convert peak amplitude measured in one resolution bandwidth to another. Background The resolution bandwidth (RBW) setting is an important consideration when making spectrum analyzer measurements. Typically …
This tool converts dBm per Hz to nV per root(Hz) or nV/√(Hz). ? nV/√(Hz) to dBm/Hz Formula The formula below shows how dBm/Hz can be converted to noise with units …
The percentage % of modulation is an indicator of the extent to which it is modulated. Here is a picture of an unmodulated sine wave. By comparison here is a …
This tool computes the attenuation loss of a user-specified length of LMR-200 RF coaxial cable [1]. To use the insertion loss calculator use the tool below. Enter Background LMR cables …
This tool computes the attenuation loss of a user-specified length of LMR-600 RF coaxial cable [1]. To use the insertion loss calculator use the tool below. Enter: Background LMR cables …
This tool computes the attenuation loss in dB of a user-specified length of LMR-400 RF coaxial cable [1]. To use the insertion loss calculator use the tool below. Enter Background …
The gain of a Horn antenna depends on its frequency of operation, aperture and its efficiency. Formula Gain = (4π A eA)/λ2 where The Gain of the Horn Antenna is …
The total efficiency of an antenna is the ratio of the power radiated from the antenna to the power provided to the antenna at the connector. The calculator below uses …
This tool computes the reception range of TV signals. Input Formula d = 4.12 * √h The tool uses the Radio Horizon to find the range of the TV antenna. …