Antenna Gain dB to Linear Calculator
This tool uses dBi or dBd to calculate the linear gain of an antenna relative to either an isotropic antenna or a half-wave dipole. Calculator Enter the value of gain …
This tool uses dBi or dBd to calculate the linear gain of an antenna relative to either an isotropic antenna or a half-wave dipole. Calculator Enter the value of gain …
This tool calculates the deciBel (dB) antenna gain from its linear value. Calculator ? Antenna Gain dB to linear Formula GdBi = 10*Log10(Gi) GdBd = GdBi – 2.15 where Background …
This tool calculates the power density of an antenna – a measure of how much electromagnetic power is transmitted or radiated in a given direction by the antenna in a …
This tool converts from Mega Transfer per second (MT/s) to Megabit per second (Mb/s) and Megabyte per second (MB/s). Calculator Enter the value for MT/s and the tool will provide …
This tool calculates the cap values C1 and C2 shown in the picture below from the load capacitance (specified in the data sheet) and the stray capacitance Calculator Enter The …
This tool calculates the resonant frequency of an LC circuit, which consists of an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C) connected together Calculator Enter the values for ? Looking for …
This tool calculates the cut-off frequency of a capacitor, within the context of a circuit, such as in an RC (resistor-capacitor) filter. Calculator Formula fc = 1/(2π*R*C) ? Looking for …
This tool calculates the Noise floor of a spectrum analyzer. The noise floor represents the weakest possible signal that can be detected by the instrument. Calculator Enter Formula Spectrum Analyzer …
This tool provides the ADC resolution and the digital value for an analog input signal. Formula for 8-bit ADC The analog resolution or the smallest value that can be measured …
This handy tool calculates the time it takes to discharge a super capacitor from an initial to a final voltage value under constant current and resistor load conditions Contents1 Calculator2 …