Longest Range TV Antenna (Do the marketing claims make sense?)
The range of TV antennas seems to increase with every passing year. The last time I checked it was 200 miles. This year in 2023 we now have 300 mile …
The range of TV antennas seems to increase with every passing year. The last time I checked it was 200 miles. This year in 2023 we now have 300 mile …
This tool converts a dB (deciBel) value to a voltage ratio. Volt to dB Formula V = 10PdB/20 Where and Example Calculator For a dB value of 3, the voltage …
This tool calculates the dB (deciBel) equivalent of a voltage ratio. Enter dB to Volt Formula PdB = 10*Log10((Vout2/Rout)/(Vin2/Rin)) Example Calculation If the output and input voltages are 2 V …
This tool calculates the value of a DC blocking capacitor. Enter the minimum frequency that has to pass through the cap and the value of the impedance. All frequencies lower …
This tool converts dBm (deciBel referenced to 1 mW) to Watt and Watt/Hz. Enter What is dBm/Hz used for? dBm/Hz is the power of the signal measured in a 1 …
This tool calculates the reflected power from the reflection coefficient Formula Reflected Power (%) = 100*(|Γ|2) where Γ is the reflection coefficient and 0 < Γ < 1 Background The reflection coefficient …
This tool calculates the S11 from the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). Enter VSWR (a value greater than or equal to 1) S11 to VSWR Formula S11 = (VSWR-1)/(VSWR+1) S11 …
Can you add two dB numbers together? Yes you can! For instance, if you cascade two 3 dB RF attenuation pads the resulting total attenuation is 6 dB. Use the …
This tool calculates the time delay of a Radio Frequency signal as it propagates through a coaxial cable. Enter: Background RF cables are built with different materials that affect This …
Have you ever wondered how far your two way radio will be able to reach? Use this calculator to find the maximum distance you will be able to cover with …