dB or deciBel is used to express the ratio of two power or voltage amplitude values on a logarithmic scale.
Hz (Hertz) is a unit of Frequency. Frequency refers to the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It can be calculated from the period of a waveform or from its wavelength.
Amplitude and Frequency are not related in any way. In general therefore dB cannot be converted to Hz.
There is an exception however. The ratio of two frequencies can be expressed on a logarithmic scale as dB-Hz. Wikipedia Reference
dB-Hz or dB (Hz) is the bandwidth relative to 1 Hz expressed on a logarithmic scale. Note the suffix Hz. It’s important that this be included. The formula for the conversion is:
XdB-Hz = 10*Log10(XHz/1 Hz)
A linear number can be converted to its dB equivalent.
The formula is Xlinear = 10(XdB/10)
XHz = 10(XdB-Hz)/10
dB is logarithmic in nature. The benefit of using dB is that a very large (or very small) ratio can be conveniently represented by a small number. For example, 10000000000 Hz = 100 dB-Hz.
This tool below converts deciBel Hertz (dB-Hz) to Hertz (Hz).
Example Calculations
20 dB-Hz is equivalent to 100 Hz.
Similarly 30 dB-Hz is equivalent to 1000 Hz.
dB to Hz Table
dB (Hz) | Hz |
1 | 1.26 |
2 | 1.58 |
3 | 2.00 |
4 | 2.51 |
5 | 3.16 |
6 | 3.98 |
7 | 5.01 |
8 | 6.31 |
9 | 7.94 |
10 | 10.00 |
11 | 12.59 |
12 | 15.85 |
13 | 19.95 |
14 | 25.12 |
15 | 31.62 |
16 | 39.81 |
17 | 50.12 |
18 | 63.10 |
19 | 79.43 |
20 | 100.00 |
21 | 125.89 |
22 | 158.49 |
23 | 199.53 |
24 | 251.19 |
25 | 316.23 |
26 | 398.11 |
27 | 501.19 |
28 | 630.96 |
29 | 794.33 |
30 | 1000.00 |
31 | 1258.93 |
32 | 1584.89 |
33 | 1995.26 |
34 | 2511.89 |
35 | 3162.28 |
36 | 3981.07 |
37 | 5011.87 |
38 | 6309.57 |
39 | 7943.28 |
40 | 10000.00 |
41 | 12589.25 |
42 | 15848.93 |
43 | 19952.62 |
44 | 25118.86 |
45 | 31622.78 |
46 | 39810.72 |
47 | 50118.72 |
48 | 63095.73 |
49 | 79432.82 |
50 | 100000.00 |
51 | 125892.54 |
52 | 158489.32 |
53 | 199526.23 |
54 | 251188.64 |
55 | 316227.77 |
56 | 398107.17 |
57 | 501187.23 |
58 | 630957.34 |
59 | 794328.23 |
60 | 1000000.00 |
61 | 1258925.41 |
62 | 1584893.19 |
63 | 1995262.31 |
64 | 2511886.43 |
65 | 3162277.66 |
66 | 3981071.71 |
67 | 5011872.34 |
68 | 6309573.44 |
69 | 7943282.35 |
70 | 10000000.00 |
71 | 12589254.12 |
72 | 15848931.92 |
73 | 19952623.15 |
74 | 25118864.32 |
75 | 31622776.60 |
76 | 39810717.06 |
77 | 50118723.36 |
78 | 63095734.45 |
79 | 79432823.47 |
80 | 100000000.00 |
81 | 125892541.18 |
82 | 158489319.25 |
83 | 199526231.50 |
84 | 251188643.15 |
85 | 316227766.02 |
86 | 398107170.55 |
87 | 501187233.63 |
88 | 630957344.48 |
89 | 794328234.72 |
90 | 1000000000.00 |
91 | 1258925411.79 |
92 | 1584893192.46 |
93 | 1995262314.97 |
94 | 2511886431.51 |
95 | 3162277660.17 |
96 | 3981071705.53 |
97 | 5011872336.27 |
98 | 6309573444.80 |
99 | 7943282347.24 |
100 | 10000000000.00 |