dBf to dBm Calculator
This tool converts from dBf (deciBel Femtowatt) to dBm (deciBel milliwatt) and Watt. dBm to dBf Formula dBm = dBf – 120 PdBf = 10*log10(PfW) 1 Femtowatt = 10-15 Watt …
This tool converts from dBf (deciBel Femtowatt) to dBm (deciBel milliwatt) and Watt. dBm to dBf Formula dBm = dBf – 120 PdBf = 10*log10(PfW) 1 Femtowatt = 10-15 Watt …
This tool converts Noise Spectral Density with units nV/rt(Hz) or nV/√(Hz) to VRMS. Formula μVrms = nV/√(Hz) * √(BWkHz * 1.57) Background The following graph shows a plot of input …
This tool calculates the Antenna Factor (AF) from the Antenna Gain (G) and Frequency of operation (f). ? Antenna Factor to Gain Formula AF = 20*Log10(9.73/(λ√G)) where, λ = c/f …
This tool calculates the physical dimensions of a 80 meter dipole antenna. 80 m refers to the wavelength of the transmitted and/or received signal. Using the calculator below at 80 …
This tool calculates the physical dimensions of a 40 meter dipole antenna. 40 m refers to the wavelength of the transmitted and/or received signal. Using the calculator below at 40 …
This tool calculates the physical dimensions of a 20 meter (m) dipole antenna. 20 m refers to the wavelength of the transmitted and/or received signal. Using the calculator below at …
Radio frequency (RF) circuits require attenuators to limit the amount of power Attenuators can be constructed from resistors and the value of the resistors determine the reduction in signal level …
In this article we calculate the distance covered by a 1000 Watt FM Transmitter. FM transmitters are used in many different broadcast applications. When planning a system a radio engineer …
In this article we calculate the distance covered by a popular FM Transmitter. FM transmitters are used in many different applications. A typical FM transmitter has a maximum output between …
In this post we calculate the sensitivity of a Frequency Modulation Radio Receiver. Contents1 What is Receiver Sensitivity?2 FM Sensitivity Values in dBm, Volt and dBf3 Sensitivity of FM chips4 …