Antenna Wavelength Calculator

This tool converts operating Frequency to Wavelength. It’s also referred to as an antenna length calculator as the dimensions of an antenna are comparable to the wavelength. The radiation properties of an antenna depend on its length.

🔁 Wavelength to Frequency


λ = c/f

where, c is the speed of light and f is the frequency.

In a vacuum, the speed of light is c = 299,792,458 meters/second. This is the default value for the calculator.

It is slower in other media such as in glass for instance where the speed is 200,000,000 meters/second. Change the value of c in the calculator above to calculate the frequency in this case.

The wavelength can also be scaled down depending on the antenna dimension where the default scaling is 1 for a Full-Wave antenna.


The antenna is a critical component of any wireless system. It converts electrical signals from the transmitter into electromagnetic waves that can be propagated through the air. At the receiver it converts captured waves to a signal voltage that can be processed by the receiver.

Antenna Frequency and Wavelength

The relationship between antenna, frequency and wavelength is important in understanding how wireless communication systems operate.

Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional, meaning that as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases and vice versa.

Antennas are designed to work effectively at specific frequencies, known as the operating frequency or center frequency, which are typically measured in Megahertz (MHz) or Gigahertz (GHz).

The length of the antenna is directly proportional to the wavelength, meaning that longer wavelengths require longer antennas and shorter wavelengths require shorter antennas. This is because the antenna needs to be sized appropriately to capture and transmit the electromagnetic waves at the desired frequency. In practical terms, this means that the shorter the antenna, the higher the frequency it is capable of receiving and transmitting.

Therefore, when designing or selecting an antenna for a specific wireless communication application, it is important to consider the operating frequency and choose an antenna that is compatible with that frequency range.

Try the dipole antenna calculator to get a feel for how the dimensions vary with frequency.

Application Examples

Use this tool to calculate the spacing between two antennas in a diversity application. For example at 434 MHz, a minimum of ½ wavelength separation is calculated to be 34.5 cm.

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