This tool calculates the total number of Gigabytes (GB) of information transferred for a specified bit rate in Megabit-per-second (Mbps).
If you’re looking for a Mbps to Gbps unit converter instead
Mbps is the number of megabits that are transferred over a communication link every second.
GB is a unit of data storage.
To find the total number of Gigabytes (GB) transferred, enter:
- Mbps (data rate or network bandwidth)
- Time in seconds/minutes/hours
Example Calculation
The picture below shows a portion of an advert for 300 Mbps Download and 100 Mbps Upload speeds.

Over a span of 60 seconds, 2.25 GB or 18 Gb of data can be transferred on the downlink.
Since the upload speed is slower by a factor of 3, 0.75 Gigabyte or 6 Gigabit of data can be transferred in the reverse direction.
It’s really important to note the upload speed as video conferencing applications like Teams, can require an equal amount of data to be transferred in both directions.
Note: 1 Megabyte = 8 Megabits. Bandwidth, transfer rate or throughput is usually specified in Mbps. The amount of data transferred and stored is normally specified in Megabytes.